Butterflies Are Free Giveaways
Earth Day Giveaway TALL Baby Bundle- Enter through April 19 π

Welcome to the Butterflies are Free Giveaway Contest Blog, where you can enter to win fabulous butterfly prizes from our shop including raising supplies, caterpillar cages, and butterfly-themed apparel...
This month's contest prize will be :

Win one of our βββββ customer-reviewed tall baby for raising monarch eggs and caterpillars into magnificent monarch butterflies + one of each raising accessory
Get more info about the prize bundle by clicking the links below:
2. Poo Poo Platter Cage Liner
3. Super Tubes Floral Tubes- Pack of 12
4. Floral Tube Rack Holder- 24 Slots
5. Monarch Magnifier
I will be giving away 4 TALL Baby Bundles, which means you'll have a good shot of landing this butterfly prize, plus see how you can get multiple entries to increase your odds of winning!
WINNERS UPDATE: Congratulations (and cages!) go out to the following four community members:
Janet P. (gmail), Arlene (optonline), Lou P. (yahoo), Rachel B. (gmail)...all four winners have been contacted via email to claim their prizes, and don't forget...
Submit entries until Good Friday, April 19, 2019 π at 1159pm PT. Enter Below: